Hi there!
Good news and bad news. Good news first: The invitations to Focus Group Test 2 have all gone out. If you received one, we look forward to your assistance in making TERA a better game. If you're reading this email and haven't received an invitation, first check your spam and junk mail folders. If there's no invitation there then that's the bad news, and we're sorry-but do check out this new opportunities to be added to FGT2 via the LOLPopori Twitter Event!
There will be plenty of future opportunities to help En Masse Entertainment make TERA a better experience for everyone! After the end of FGT2, we will launch a brand-new application process. Just enter your information once to join other TERA enthusiasts in our testing pool, which we'll tap into for future focus group and beta tests. Keep your eyes on our website at http://www.tera-online.com for more details!
In the meantime, please join us in conversation at the TERA forums, where we're always open to your comments and suggestions! Thank you for your interest in TERA!
- The TERA Team -
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суки. некаво не заинвайтили?
Отредактировано badf (2010-04-13 11:10:09)